If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us using the form below :

Contact Form

Doc Stat is a membership that provides accelerated access to healthcare providers in your area.

Being a member of Doc Stat means having accelerated access to healthcare providers in your area, giving you the security and peace of mind knowing that you can get the help you need when you need it.

Here are some of the benefits that come with being part of this exclusive membership:

  • Quick access to reliable, quality healthcare providers without needing to spend time searching or making phone calls.
  • Gain access to a wide range of healthcare professionals, including general physicians, specialists, surgeons, hospitals and more.
  • Get priority appointment times for any medical needs that might arise.
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing that if an emergency does occur, you can get medical attention quickly and conveniently.

Signing up to Doc Stat is quick and easy. Simply visit https://docstat.io/start or click the button below

To Cancel your Doc Stat membership, simply visit "Cancel Membership" under the 'My Membership' menu option. Alternatively you can also visit https://docstat.io/cancel

To Contact Us, simply fill out the form on this page.

You can retrieve your password by clicking "FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD" in the login box. Alternatively you can also contact us using the form on this page and we will help you get back in to your account.

You can pay using your Debit/Credit Card on checkout.